When should I schedule my child’s first visit to the dentist?
We recommend you make an appointment to see a pediatric dentist as soon as your child gets his or her first tooth. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children be seen within six months of getting their first tooth or by the age of one, whichever comes first.
How is a pediatric dentist different from other dentists?
In addition to completing dental school, pediatric dentists have completed several years of specialized training in the field of pediatric dentistry. They have gained extensive knowledge and are experienced in treating infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric dentists have additional knowledge related to child development and behavior management. Additionally, because our office is designed for younger patients, you’ll find that our staff are gentle and we provide a friendly environment in an age appropriate manner.
What happens during my child’s first visit to the dentist?
On that first visit we focus on getting to know your child and giving you basic information about dental care for a child that age. The dentist will check the health of your child’s teeth and look for potential problems with the gums or jaws. If cleaning is needed, we’ll take care of that too. We’ll answer any questions you have and provide you with informational material that contains helpful tips you can take home with you. The first visit usually takes only a few minutes and is a great way to start ensuring your child has optimum oral health in the years to come.
How can I prepare my child for his or her first dental appointment?
You may feel both excited and anxious for your child’s first dental visit. We make it a priority to provide a comfortable and fun experience for your child. You will find photos of our office and staff on our website which you can show your little ones to prepare for the new environment. We work with children and families of all different backgrounds. Let us put you at ease and we will go above and beyond to welcome your family to our dental home!
How often should my child visit the dentist?
We recommend scheduling checkups usually every six months. Depending on your child’s oral health and unique circumstances, we may recommend more frequent visits. We will work with you to devise a plan so your child will have the best oral health possible.
What’s the best way to clean my baby’s teeth?
Even before your baby’s first tooth appears, it’s important to practice good hygiene. We recommend that after feeding you clean his or her gums with damp soft washcloth. As soon as the first tooth appears, you can start using a toothbrush. We recommend that you use one that is designed specifically for infants. These are unique because they have a smaller head and softer bristles. Do not use toothpaste without first checking with the dentist.
At what age is it appropriate to use toothpaste to clean my child’s teeth?
Once your child has multiple teeth, you can start using toothpaste. Use only a tiny amount for each cleaning. Always have your child rinse and spit out after brushing. Children naturally want to swallow after brushing; you’ll have to guide them through it. If your child isn’t ready to take on the responsibility, you should brush your child’s teeth for him or her. Most children are ready to brush independently by the age of 6 or 7, but every child is different. Continue to supervise your child until good habits have been established.
What causes cavities?
Cavities can be a result of genetics or poor oral hygiene. Be sure your child brushes his or her teeth at least twice a day and uses fluoride toothpaste if he or she is old enough. Flossing daily is important because flossing can reach areas between the teeth that brushing cannot. Check with your pediatric dentist about a fluoride supplement, which can help harden tooth enamel and thus make teeth more resistant to decay. Avoid giving your child sugary foods and drinks; limit your child’s snacking; and make sure your child maintains a healthy diet. Also make regular appointments and get professional cleanings for your child so that we can tackle any potential problems early.
Does my child need dental sealants?
Sealants cover the pits and fissures that are difficult to brush and therefore make teeth susceptible to decay. We recommend sealants, especially for the hard to reach molars, to protect your child’s teeth and help them avoid cavities. Sealants are safe and the most preferred preventive measure for protecting your child’s teeth.
My child plays sports. How can I protect his or her teeth?
Even children’s sports involve contact, and so we recommend a mouthguard for children who participate in them. If your little one plays baseball, soccer, or other sports, ask us about getting a custom-fit guard made to protect his or her teeth, lips, cheeks and gums.
What should I do if my child sucks his thumb?
As infants, most children suck their thumbs. Most grow out of it by age four without causing any permanent damage to their teeth. If your child continues sucking after permanent teeth erupt or sucks aggressively, let us know. We can check to see if the habit will cause any problems.
When should my child have a dental X-ray taken?
We generally recommend taking X-rays when children are around the age of two or three. Your child’s unique situation will determine the appropriate time. The first set of X-rays consists of simple pictures of the upper and lower front teeth. This set will familiarize your child with the process. Once the baby teeth in the back are touching one another, then we recommend regular X-rays. Permanent teeth start coming in around the age of six, and X-rays help us make sure your child’s teeth and jaws are healthy and properly aligned. If your child has a high risk of developing dental problems, we may suggest X-rays at an earlier age.
Remember that each child’s situation is unique. It’s important for children to practice good habits and maintain a positive attitude about brushing, flossing, and the dental office. Our staff is specially trained to provide not only the best care but also the best overall experience for you and your child.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (714) 717-3757 today.
Sippy Cups
Here at Lovebee Pediatric Dentistry, we are dedicated to the health of your children’s teeth.
Frequent and prolonged use of sippy cups does lead to increased tooth decay in toddlers. Sippy cups are wonderful at what they are supposed to do, which is to help toddlers transition from using bottles to using regular cups. They are also great because they don’t spill when they are dropped or knocked over. However, many parents continue to use them even as their children age. Because of this, more children are being diagnosed with pediatric cavities and baby bottle cavities.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that parents make a child’s first “well-baby” dental examination six months after the first tooth arrives. Dentists use this time to talk to parents about good oral care at home, eliminating sippy cups, and getting rid of unwanted oral habits (like thumb sucking).
Sippy cups can be used as soon as your children are able to hold them. However, as soon as they can handle an adult-sized cup (usually by the time children are about one year old), you should stop using sippy cups.
Children can start getting tooth decay as soon as they start getting teeth. For this reason, parents need to start their children off right with good oral hygiene at home.
While sippy cups are necessary, there are ways to prevent decay while your children are using them. Try to give your children water instead of sugary liquids in them. Don’t let your children take cups to bed, and don’t give them cups to soothe them.
You should also monitor your children’s drinking habits. Children should not be drinking continuously from the cup. If you want to give your children sugary drinks, you should do so only during meal times when their saliva is high, helping to remove the sugary solution from their mouths. Also, make sure that you clean the sippy cup regularly. You don’t want bacteria to grow inside them.
Sippy cups, by themselves, do not cause decay. The main problem is what is inside of them. Many parents fill them with sugary liquids like breast milk, formula, juice, soda, and other drinks that promote decay.
Sippy cups are meant to allow only a small amount of drink out at a time. Because of this, the sugar in the liquid stays in the mouth and around the teeth. Bacteria feed on sugar, producing acids which attack the tooth enamel. As the enamel weakens, it becomes susceptible to decay.
Because of this, it is really important for your children to visit their pediatric dentist twice a year. We will look for signs of cavities (especially between the teeth). We will also monitor the development of the teeth to make sure that your children have healthy mouths.
Since sippy cups are important for parents, the American Dental Association (ADA) has announced that some are better than others. They recommend avoiding ones that claim they won’t spill because this means that in order to get a decent drink, your children have to keep sucking and sucking. Then the sugar in the drink will continue to swirl around their mouth and teeth.
They also recommend using cups with spouts because they promote good drinking habits. They are not just bottles for older children.
You may want to get larger sippy cups, which promote the use of two hands and thus make transitioning to a cup easier.
If you have questions or concerns about tooth decay or the use of sippy cups, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (714) 717-3757.
Why See A Pediatric Dentist?
Here at Lovebee Pediatric Dentistry, we are dedicated to the health of your children’s mouths.
We are pediatric dentists, also known as pedodontists, which means that we are able to care for the dental needs of children ranging from infancy to adolescence.
To be called a pediatric dentist, we had to take another two to three years of child-specific training after we finished our dental school requirements. During this time, we studied child psychology so that we are able to talk to children in a gentle yet effective way.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children see a dentist (and more importantly a pediatric one) before they are one year old. It is also recommended that children come in about six months after the first tooth starts to come in. Many think that this seems early, but it is important for your children to get used to the dentist and for you to learn about preventive care for good dental health.
During these early visits, a pediatric dentist will be able to monitor the health of your children’s mouths. They are here for parents to discuss home care (especially home care that doesn’t cause tears) and how to prevent cavities and oral injuries at home. Pediatric dentists can also be helpful to stop unwanted oral habits such as thumb sucking.
This time is also used to answer any questions you have about preventive care and the treatment of any problems that your child may be having. We may also perform preventive treatments such as fluoride or sealants.
Because many people fear the dentist, pediatric dentists want to start children off early. We will do everything we can to make sure that children feel comfortable and safe while in our care. Our office is colorful and fun so that your children will want to come back!
While your children are in our office, we focus on many things. The first is the prevention of tooth decay. It is almost entirely preventable with good home care, though there are times when we apply fluoride or sealants to help.
We are also looking for problems that may develop later. Examinations and X-rays can help us detect malocclusions, problems with grinding, and potential jaw regularities early. Most of these cases can be fixed more easily if they are caught early.
As pediatric dentists, we offer many forms of treatment in addition to preventive care. We can perform pulp therapy, and we are always here in case of an accident near the mouth. We commonly recommend spacers for patients who lose their teeth too early.
We are here to educate our patients and their parents. It is our goal to make sure that everyone understands how important brushing and flossing teeth is. We can also discuss toothpaste, diet, problems your children may be having, and much more.
It is always our goal to stay up to date with the latest advances in dental medicine so that your children have healthy teeth. Children who don’t come visit us regularly may miss out on some preventive treatments that could help them.
If you have questions or concerns about when your children should see a pediatric dentist, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (714) 717-3757.
How to prevent cavities?
Here at Lovebee Pediatric Dentistry, we are dedicated to preventing cavities in children.
Though most adults don’t think about it, it is quite common for children to get cavities. There are two reasons that cavities develop so frequently in children. First, children often do not brush their teeth the way they should. Second, they eat sugary diets and drink sugary beverages.
Cavities can be very painful for children. If left untreated, they can lead to decay and periodontitis. For this reason, parents need to make sure their children are eating well and taking care of their teeth at home. It is also important that children visit the dentist twice a year to help prevent cavities and maintain good oral health.
Cavities are caused by eating sugary food regularly. Sugars and carbohydrates stick to the teeth. Then plaque (a sticky film) forms on the enamel of the teeth. Bacteria that lives in the plaque continues to build up as more sugary food is consumed. The bacteria emit acid which weakens the enamel, making it more vulnerable to tooth decay. If the condition isn’t treated, the acid breaks down the enamel and moves inward.
Even though your children will lose their baby teeth, these teeth are still important and need to be taken care of. Children need to brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. They also need to visit their dentist twice a year for a professional cleaning. During those visits, the dentist may seal their teeth. The dentist may also use a fluoride supplement to strengthen their teeth.
Even if you take good care of your children’s mouths, you need to keep an eye out for cavities. Though large ones can be painful, your children may not notice the smaller one. The sooner cavities are caught, the easier they are to treat.
For this reason, you should keep an eye out for symptoms of cavities. Children may complain about a toothache or general pain in their mouths. You may notice sensitivity to cold or hot foods. Some children wake up in the middle of the night crying from the pain.
Sometimes cavities are so small that dentists need to use x-rays to find them. If you think that your child has a cavity, it is important to have him or her seen right away.
There are many ways to prevent cavities. Regular dental visits and good home care are necessary for good health. You should also watch your children’s diet. Cut out sugar, sticky foods, and other snacks and drinks that can cause cavities. Snacking also exposes the teeth to extra sugar during the day. It is important to not give your children drinks at bedtime because the sugar in the drinks will just sit in your children’s mouths all night long.
Sippy cups also have been known to cause cavities because the sugary liquid in them sticks to children’s teeth. Pacifiers can also cause bacteria to grow in children’s mouths. They should be washed thoroughly in a sink not in your own mouth, which transfers bacteria. You should never dip a pacifier in anything even in an effort to calm a child. Honey or any other sugary substance will stick to children’s teeth and allow cavities to form.
The best way to maintain your children’s good dental health is regular brushing and flossing. They also need to visit the dentist regularly to make sure they don’t have any cavities or to get any cavities they do have taken care of right away.
If you have any questions about preventing cavities, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (714) 717-3757.
Why Are Primary Teeth Important?
Here at Lovebee Pediatric Dentistry, we are dedicated to the oral health of your children.
Primary teeth, also called baby teeth or even deciduous teeth, start to develop in the gums during pregnancy. When children are between six months and one year old, their teeth should start to come in. By the time they begin preschool, they should have twenty baby teeth.
Many people don’t believe that primary teeth are important, so they don’t take care of them at home the way that they should. However, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that your children have their first checkup within six months of getting their first tooth.
Teething can be quite painful, so many parents try anything to soothe their children’s gums. Children can chew rings, wet towels, and even fingers to get some relief. Teeth come in slowly, but most three-year-old children should have twenty teeth.
Primary teeth are important for many reasons. They are needed for speech. It is really important that children learn to speak clearly. Primary teeth are needed to pronounce words correctly. They also keep the tongue in place in the mouth while speaking.
Primary teeth are necessary for eating and good nutrition. Children with bad teeth have trouble eating. They are often malnourished and underweight. It takes time, practice, and good teeth to learn to chew and eat correctly.
Having good oral hygiene is also good for children’s self-esteem. Children are quick to make fun of others who have ugly teeth. Good oral hygiene gives your children the confidence to make friends and promotes positive social interaction.
Primary teeth are also needed to hold the space for the developing adult teeth. They help align the adult teeth as they come in and make sure that the jaw develops properly. If needed, spacers can help make room for the adult teeth to come in.
If you start your children off right when they still have primary teeth, you are setting them up for a life of good oral health. By taking care of their teeth now, you are showing them the way to fight off periodontal disease and cavities. If you don’t take care of their teeth well, your children may lose teeth, which can cause spacing problems when the adult teeth begin to come in.
If you have questions or concerns about primary teeth, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (714) 717-3757.
Remember that each child’s situation is unique. It’s important for children to practice good habits and maintain a positive attitude about brushing, flossing, and the dental office. Our staff is specially trained to provide not only the best care but also the best overall experience for you and your child.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (714) 717-3757 today.