Your child’s first dentist appointment should be when the first tooth appears or no later than age one. Since even the youngest children can get decay, it is really important to visit the dentist regularly. During these early visits, we look for any potential concerns and help your family establish good oral health. It is important that we prevent cavities for your child and foster positive experiences!

We also offer consultations for frenectomies, which is a minimally invasive procedure that helps babies with limited lip and/or tongue movements. In some cases, this can contribute to difficulties in breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. A restrictive maxillary frenulum (“lip-tie”) or ankyloglossia (“tongue-tie”) can lead to ineffective latch, poor milk transfer and intake, and persistent maternal nipple pain, which leads to cessation of breastfeeding. Babies with lip or tongue tie often have colic and irritability. We work with a team of specialists to help you and your baby so please call us to ask about our services.

If you have any questions about caring for your child’s teeth, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (714) 717-3757.